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Cee's Bridal - Quận Phú Nhuận - Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
16/8 Đặng Văn Ngữ, P.10, Q. Phú Nhuận, Quận Phú Nhuận, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Nhận báo giá


From hundreds of people to find someone, from a first date to love, from love to marriage, each step is a long process, or even short, it still means a lot of changes and happenings to one woman. Is this the love you really want? Is he the one you really desire to get married for your whole life? And the commitments you are very ready to take? When you ask yourself a thousand questions and even some questions you still really don’t know the answers, but there is one thing you know for sure - that - he is the only one and the only answer for everything. That’s the moment you know you should take this definite path. That is also when you get the other part of being grown up for your life. Finding a wedding dress called “the one” has the same story as finding your love. You have the right to being single, being fabulous and being in many other relationships but when you say yes to the marriage. It is about making the choice, your very own choice. Just like when you find the right dress, you know you have met the right one. “Envision” is all about you - the ready-to-be bride, the one who knows what you want, what you are gonna take and so ready forhenomenal brides.

Cee’s Bridal Designer : Celina Thanh Nguyen

Photography : Ambient Wedding Photography (Justin Tran)

Model : Phạm Hạ Vy


Flowers: Home Garden

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